- أ.د. يسرى بركات أستاذ (متفرغ) بالقسم
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- د. سيد يحى سيد مدرس بالقسم
- عمل القياسات المساعدة فى الأبحاث العلمية فى مجال الكيمياء الكهربية

Sayed Y. Attia, Saad G. Mohamed, Yosry F. Barakat, Hamdy H. Hassan, Wail Al Zoubi, Supercapacitor electrode materials: addressing challenges in mechanism and charge storage, Reviews in Inorganic Chemistry, 2021, https://doi.org/10.1515/revic-2020-0022.
S. Y. Ahmed, Saad G. Mohamed, Sayed Y. Attia, Yosry F. Barakat, M. A. Shoeib, N. S. Tantawy, High electrochemical energy-storage performance promoted by SnSe nanorods anchored on rGO nanosheets, Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 2021, 883, 115063.
Soliman I El-Hout, Saad G Mohamed, Amira Gaber, Sayed Y Attia, Ahmed Shawky, Said M El-Sheikh, High electrochemical performance of rGO anchored 4 CuS nanospheres for supercapacitor applications, Journal of Energy Storage, 2020, 102001, In press
4. S. Y. Attia, Y. F. Barakat, H. H. Hassan, S. G. Mohamed, A single-step synthesis and direct growth of microspheres containing the nanoflakes-like structure of Zn0.76Co0.24S as a high-performance electrode for supercapacitors, Journal of Energy Storage, 2020, 29, 101349
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